We ensure local communities are well informed, well skilled and well equipped in regards to the biodiversity issues to influence decision making processes for the preservation of a biodiversity legacy that guarantees their sustainable socio-economic and welfare through:

Community Empowerment and Entrepreneurship

- Initiating 250 families toSmart Climate farming
- Supporting 250 families with family gardens
- Livestock development with the distribution of 500 rabbits to 250 families
- Supporting Inkingi Inyarurembo, a women’s weaving cooperative
- Supporting Umuberarugo, a women’s sewing cooperative

Public health

- Training 185 women in Menstruation Health Management.
- Training 185 women in making reusable pads
- Raising awareness of 185 families in Water Sanitation and Hygiene principles
- Social education of 185 families
- Raising awareness of 135 young girls on sexual rights.


- Adult literacy for 300 men and women
- Training of 66 women from former forest dwellers communities in modern weaving
- Training 135 members from former forest dwellers communities in modern sewing in women. These include young girls that suffered of early pregnanciesand men.
- Identification and development oftourism products around the Richard Kandt Trail
- Identification and training of 52 young graduate students as local tour guides around the Richard Kandy Trail
- Hosting 20 local students/volunteers and 22 international students/volunteers.
- Education on Gender and equity principles

Climate justice

- Training of 1,500 Climate Justice Ambassadors
- Tree planting: over 400,000 trees including indigenous species have been planted around GS Ruhehe and GS Shingiro,
- Tree nursery development: two demonstration tree nurseries at GS Ruhehe and GS Shingiro
- Environmental Education campaign
- Video screening for awareness raising campaigns

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